Pro-Seller Privacy Policy

Last change: 18/08/2022 - Contact us Administrator

Terms & Conditions

Pro-Seller applications are designed for the use of sellers and Pro-Seller supervisors. Users registered by companies authorized for the management can have access and distribution of the services offered.
In order to register a company, request authorization from the Pro-Seller Administrator.

Information Collected

The applications receive and collect information from users when they operate and use the services. Both the Pro-Seller application and Pro-Seller Supervisor use the same services and collect the same user information by Therefore, this privacy policy is established for them.

Information provided by users

Start Address

Your address is required as well as the location of the address where you will start your route of visits to clients.


The company where you work is required to know which sellers work together and who will supervise their tasks with the application.

Read phone status

Network information is collected to know if there is a connection to the server. Information on device characteristics such as operating system version is also collected. android brand and device model to optimize and adapt to the device screen and optimize according to the capabilities of the same.

Call phone numbers

The application can directly call phone numbers when the user decides for calls to numbers of Customers registered in the application to speed up the operation.

Capture images and video

The application accesses the mobile camera at the moment the user decides to obtain a photograph and be able to send to the server for processing. It is also used to be able to scan documents with barcodes.

GPS or Network Based Location

The application locates the device at the time of registering some activity or certain operation. For example, to locate customers and plan the route of visits.

Internet access

The application must access the state of the network to know if you have access to the internet and at what time to transmit data. The connections are made using a secure connection and a valid security certificate (SSL).

Control Vibrator

In the event that the application requires an urgent intervention from the user, it can send vibrations from the mobile.

Install shortcuts

When starting the application it creates a shortcut in the main view to quickly access the application.

How we use the information

We use all the information we have to help us operate, improve, and through our services provide better service to our customers. We do not market user and customer information with other companies.

Information security

We consider that the information that we have at our disposal is of vital importance to keep it safe for That is why we are dedicated to always having the latest in innovation in terms of security.
All access to information is duly identified and authorized. We have a backup of them and other data security protocols and services.

Application developed by BiaGab

This application is developed by BiaGab, to see developer information use this link